When you walk into college, you are offered a choice among law and medicine and investment banking and consulting and a few other things, but again, you can also do something else, something that no one has thought of before. 当你进入大学,人家给你众多选择,或法律或医学或投资银行和咨询以及其他,但你同样也可以做其他事,做从前根本没有人想过的事。
Thinking on Improvement of China's Choice of Law System in the Field of Foreign-related Product Liability 关于完善我国涉外产品责任法律适用制度的思考
The Public Policy in the Choice of Law in International Commercial Arbitration 国际商事仲裁法律适用中的公共政策
The interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York ( excluding its choice of law rules). 本协议的解释与执行将由纽约州的法律管辖(排除法律法规选择权)。
The Value Conflict and Balance in the Choice of Law for Civil Liability Concurrences 民事责任竞合法律选择的价值冲突及其平衡
The combination of definiteness and flexibility in the choice of law, the enhancement of appropriateness, and the diversification of choice of law. 法律选择明确性和灵活性的结合、适当性的增强以及法律选择方法的多元化。
Legal culture can influence people's choice of law and the drafting of national laws, and it thus plays an important role in the construction of laws. 法律文化能够影响人们的法律选择、影响国家的法律制定,在法治建设中扮演重要角色。
Admittedly, the battle of the forms is related to choice of law, choice of jurisdiction or choice of place of performance. 格式之争与合同准据法的选择、管辖权的选择以及履行地的选择都有关系。
On the Value Orientation of International Private Law As Perceived from the Evolution of Methods of Choice of Law 从法律选择方法的演变看国际私法的价值定位
Generally speaking, the legislation of most nations allow judges, when parties have no effective choice of law. then to see if the close principle suggests Chinese law when both parties have no law application consensus; 在当事人未有选择时看根据最密切联系原则是否指向我国法律;
Choice of Law Clause on BL 提单的法律选择条款
Personal Choice: the Foundation of the Legitimacy of the Modern Social Order& Review on The Republic of Choice: Law, Authority and Culture; 个人选择:现代社会秩序正当性的基础&评《选择的共和国:法律、权威与文化》
He refused, however, and in the discussions which followed he was given a choice& law or the navy. 但是他拒绝了。后来,经过一番争论,他被迫在两者之间作出选择:学习法律,或者加入海军。
Consider including choice of law, venue selection, and attorneys fee clauses. 可以在合同中加入准据法、审判地、律师费等条款。
So choice of law questions often arise in lawsuits involving multi-state transactions or occurrences. 因此在涉及跨州交易或事件的诉讼中往往出现法律选择问题。
It is very significant as the time goes on to research and analyze legislation choice and law decision about cause relation of moral damage compensation. 这种理论和事实的分析与探讨,随着时代发展,对精神损害赔偿因果关系的立法选择和法律认定具有非常重要的意义。
Connecting point has a great important role in the choice of law process. 国际私法中的连结点,在法律关系或法律问题和准据法之间起着媒介和导引作用。
The new legislation accepts the flex and open methods of choice of law, and also not abandons the traditional conflicts of laws rules in civil law. 新立法既接受了美国冲突法革命中所提出的灵活、开放的法律选择方法,又没有放弃传统的大陆法系的冲突规则,而是将两者有机结合在一起。
While in the civil courts which administered two or more personal laws, a technique of choice of law similar to that in private international law is adopted. 而在实施两种或多种属人法的民事法院内,法院对法律选择问题采用了与国际私法中法律选择方法相似的方法。
The Study of Choice of Law Theory 法律选择理论研究
When the parties select competent court by agreement, the courts of common law countries sometimes may use public policy of "choice of law mode" and "law and regulations priority mode" to deny the validity of jurisdiction clause. 在当事人协议选择管辖法院时,英美法系国家法院有时会运用法律选择模式和法规优先模式公共政策否定管辖权条款效力;
Plural Legal Order and the Choice of Law ─ On Relevant Provisions of International Private Law in Macao 多元法律秩序与法律选择&兼谈澳门国际私法中的有关规定
Social need realized by priority system objectively exists in any market economical society, but the choice of law system realizing these functions is diverse. 由优先权制度所实现的社会需求在任何一个市场经济的社会中都是客观存在的,而实现这些功能的法律制度的选择又是多样的。
Choice of law rules for international insurance contract. 关于涉外保险合同的法律适用的思考。
Questions for the single or multiple-choice answer format, including the choice of law and order law. 题型为单项或多项选择题,答案格式包括选择法和排序法。
This problem should be solved by breaking the principle of debt relativity to become a natural choice of law so that he would have had the system of a subrogation right. 这一现实问题要得到解决,突破债的相对性原则,准许债权人不通过债务人而直接向第三人主张债权,成为一种自然的法律选择,这样便产生了代位权制度。
The remedy way of civil liability for transboundary environmental damages is trough the proceeding of private international law, therefore, we inevitably discuss about the three classical problems of private international law& choice of law, choice of jurisdiction and the acknowledgement and enforcement of foreign judgment. 跨界环境损害民事责任的救济途径主要通过国际私法程序进行,因此,不可避免地要对国际私法上的三个经典问题&法院的选择、法律的适用和国外判决的裁定与执行问题进行分析。
Value of rule of thumb in civil proceedings is analyzed from aspects of presumption of facts, evidence evaluation, choice of law, standard proof of legal justice and balance, and sense of conflict. 从事实推定、证据评价、选择法律、证明标准和平衡司法裁判的法理、情理的冲突五个方面,分析了经验法则在民事诉讼中的价值。
The substance rules method provides a new perspective for the application of law in arbitration by abandoning the traditional choice of law methods and avoiding the uncertainties that are inherent in the traditional method. 法国的实体规则方法完全抛弃了传统的法律选择思维,避免了传统法律选择方法导致的不确定性,为确定仲裁协议的法律适用提供了一片全新的视野。
The law of the flag also constitutes a fundamental principle of choice of law in the maritime conflict. 船旗国法原则也构成了海事冲突法中最基本的法律选择原则。